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An introduction

An artist of sorts, Roshan is a filmmaker by passion and profession. He has been living life through his lens ever since he first picked up a camera. People inspire Roshan to capture their stories in the frame; he has worked with artists across three countries, as well as with people he has met in everyday life.



His photos have got the attention of publications like Cosmopolitan magazine, Deccan Chronicle and his films have been shortlisted in international competitions, most notably the Nordic ‘60secondsdance’ competition where his film, “Memories of Pirouettes” won him the Audience Award.



He aspires to be an auteur and make his mark on the world stage with his unique aesthetic and share his vision with generations to come. He hopes to inspire new artists and evoke emotion in his viewers as a means of escaping an existence, saturated with fleeting distractions. A feat no less than magic.


Get in touch.

+91 725 96 345 69

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